Humans are the undisputed apex predators of our planet…but only on land. At sea, it’s another story altogether. Sharks are our last great enemy, and they’ve fascinated us from the time we were small children. Nature’s perfect killing machine has been quietly knifing through the icy deep teeth-first, murdering everything in its path on a nonstop bloody rampage that’s lasted for more than a hundred million years. (This is true: There were sharks before there were trees.) This fascinating deep dive into the world of sharks—the many varieties, their weapons and tactics, their social and mating behavior—will thrill and fascinate readers of all ages. You may never go back into the water again.
STEP INTO THE SHARK TANK • Discover the awe-inspiring realm of the undisputed masters of the deep
The Anatomy of a Shark • A teeth-to-tail body breakdown of nature’s most formidable predator
Deadly Fangs and Mighty Jaws • The most effective tools in a shark’s arsenal are the ones that get to you first
Sensory Overload • Evolution has fine-tuned sharks’ senses for murderous efficiency over millions of years
That’s Right: Sharks Even Have Radar
A Freight Train of Muscle • What lies beneath that freaky-looking exterior that enables powerful, deadly attacks
Nature’s Perfect Killing Machines • Extraordinary evolutionary adaptations that help sharks hunt, move, thrive, and survive
Magical Healing Powers
Flip the Script and Get Inside a Shark
Cold-Blooded Water Breathers • Body temperature, breathing mechanisms, and some bizarre, unexpected anomalies
Fins and Tails Unveiled • Sleek steering mechanisms that enable quick, brutal action in the ocean’s depths
Fins Specialize For Behavior
Even Their Skin Has Teeth • Rub a shark’s skin the wrong way and you might slice up your hand. Here’s why
ARE SHARKS DOOMED? • These ancient beasts struggle in today’s oceans, but hope’s on the horizon
Finning: A Global Crisis
Meet the Monsters • Get to know these freaky, fascinating, and downright ferocious predators of the deep
Mako Sharks • Meet the fastest shark in the world: smart, agile, and aggressive. Just try to get away
Great White Sharks • You probably know them from the movies, but they’re even more terrifying off-screen
The Beloved Basking Shark
Hammerhead Sharks • This strange and awkward species enjoys a perfect 360° view of predators and prey
Prehistoric Phantoms • Sharks have been haunting our seas for hundreds of millions of years. But how?
The Sharks’ Family Tree
The Strangest Sharks That Ever Lived
Tiger Sharks • These terrors will eat just about anything—and band together to herd schools of prey
Goblin Sharks • Behold the living fossils with seriously shocking snouts and alien-like jaws
The Tactical Thresher Shark
Dogfish Sharks • These sea puppies swarm in huge packs—and some have venomous spines
The Secret Life of Sharks • These fiercely private predators don’t like company, but curious humans are getting to know them anyway.
The Social Shark • Their unexpectedly complex social behaviors have surprised scientists and thrilled divers
Mysterious Migrations • Key insights into the intuitive travel patterns of the sea’s most fascinating predators
The White Shark Café
Diverse Hunting Tactics • Ambush, pursuit, and tail-slap stuns—the many ways these predators get the job done
Blood in the Water: Shark Tales • From historical tragedies to unlikely friendships, sharks never fail to shock us
Staying Safe in Shark Country
What Sharks See
Territory and Dominance • Sharks will fiercely defend their hunting...