Auto & Design is a highly professional magazine and can be found all over the world in the design centres of car manufacturers, in the offices of independent designers, in the design centres of components companies and electronic and special materials manufacturers, in University libraries and in the libraries of specialised schools. Its contents mainly cover project analyses from drawing board to final product, illustrated with research drawings and style models. Specific sections are dedicated to industrial and product design, new materials and innovative technologies as applied to the automotive world and to a variety of design sectors.
Lamborghini 50th birthday a supercar to celebrate it
The age of technospace / L’era del tecnospazio
LaFerrari pure metaphysics / LaFerrari pura metafisica
Aesthetics at the service of speed / L’estetica al servizio della velocità
A blend of strong emotions / Intreccio di forti emozioni
The Chinese challenge / La sfida cinese
Sergio’s philosophical message / Il messaggio filosofico di Sergio
The arrow effect / Effetto freccia
Peter Schreyer’s visions / Le visioni di Peter Schreyer
Conceptual provocation / Provocazione concettuale
The GT that wasn’t there / La GT che non c’era
Peugeot, type crossover / Incrocio di tipologie
An overseas view / Uno sguardo oltreoceano
Agnelli style “jewels” / I “gioielli” stile Agnelli
Giugiaro’s creative imprint / L’impronta creativa di Giugiaro
Message to China / Messaggio alla Cina
Design Week, the car is co-star / Design Week, l’auto co-star
Avant-garde character / Carattere d’avanguardia
Zen spirit / Spirito zen
The Suv turns coupé / Il Suv diventa coupé