In every issue you will get 9+ brand new quilt patterns for quilts of all sizes and skill levels. We also give you a bonus download with three quilts that follow the popular red-and-white quilt trend! AND, when you subscribe, you will get the digital version of the current issue so you can start enjoying all the great tips and tricks.
Quilts For Men
sew to speak
Bases Loaded
color option
Finishing Touch
Creative SPARK • Editing Blocks with EQ8!
Finishing Touch
Submission Info • Become Our Next New Designer
Coffee Conversations with Dad
Patricia St-Onge • Patricia St-Onge is a Canadian quilter whose passion for quilting started as it does for many quilters—by making a baby quilt. An original member of QMs Scrap Squad, we are excited that Pat is back with us in this issue. Join us as Pat shares a bit of her life with us and shows us around her studio.
True Blue
Wrenches and Nuts and Bolts, Oh My!
Artist Q&A • A Conversation with Scott Murkin by Debby Brown
Cabins and Cornerstones
First Blush
Windows in Time
Ruby Jubilee • Addicted to Scraps Inspired Mystery Quilt Part 3 of 6
Addicted to Scraps • What do you do with all the scraps you save? “Use them!” declares Bonnie.
basic lessons