Town & Country features the latest in luxury, from beautiful homes, sumptuous dining to exotic locations. In 11 gorgeous annual issues, Town & Country covers the arts, fashion and culture, bringing the best of everything to America's trendsetters
They Were Here First
Town & Country
Boy TOYS • Want to really flex at a car show? Some suggestions.
Make It RAIN • A wave of wealthy New York–to–Florida transplants must prove to the taxman that their hearts and minds—and their charitable dollars—have truly flown the co-op.
I SWEAR I LIVE HERE • Pro tips from the “locals” on broadcasting PB bona fides, just in case anyone checks.
Her Mother’s DAUGHTER • Pioneering artist Mary Ann Unger died before fame found her. Now her family is taking up her cause.
BIG DICKENS Energy • How Great Expectations’s Estella is still breaking hearts after all these years.
CHECK HER OUT • They’re rich, powerful, and entirely made up. A brief history of fiction’s unlucky-in-love It girls onscreen.
That’s Why She’s SMILING • Jackie Kennedy may have brought the Mona Lisa to America, but she didn’t do it alone.
Vital SASSOON • Weary of the Windsors? Meet this season’s new It dynasty
On the Right TRACK • The fortunate few traversed Europe on trains like this a century ago. It’s time for your champagne adventure.
SHUTTER to Think • For Jeanne Moutoussamy-Ashe, photography and activism are one and the same.
Sotto Voce ELEGANZA • Neutral tones. Straight-cut trousers. The perfect knit. #OldCeline or the subtle cues of the low-key rich bitch wardrobe?
HAIL, Caesar! • From Solomeo to Silicon Valley, Brunello Cucinelli came, saw, and conquered. On the eve of a lifetime achievement award, he boils down the secret of his success: In cashmere veritas.
Anatomy of a CLASSIC • What are the building blocks of a bag, the semiotics of status? A breakdown of the real stuff inside an OG icon.
The T&C INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO • Name a more perennial pair than diamonds and denim. Like Lynn Wyatt, they’ll always be in style.
The SERPENT Made Me Do It • …said every jewelry client seduced by this classic. And this year? Time to lead thyself into temptation.
First to MARKET • Native American legends paved the way in turquoise. Their heirs wrapped it in gold.
Why So COLD? • When it comes to the best way to wash your face, maybe your mother did know best.
Meet INSPECTOR SKIN • Our complexions provide clues to our overall health. Consider this your secret decoder.
The LIFE of BRIAN • Has being an OG in real life helped Brian Cox play one on TV? On the eve of Succession’s new season, the Scottish actor describes the method to his madness.
HOW TO WIN FRIENDS & ALIENATE PEOPLE • Dale Carnegie’s 1936 book How to Win Friends and Influence People is the best-selling business advice/self-help book ever. How does Logan Roy’s management style measure up?
THE O.G. 100 • What’s the common thread running through our second OG portfolio? The word fearlessness came up often. The courage to be disliked, to stick to your guns, to seek adventure and make trouble, to look past trends and embrace the next generation of like-minded mavericks, to keep going, at 55 or 95, despite it all, and (to quote Nobel Prize–winning OG poet Louise Glück) “risk joy in the raw wind of the new world.” A toast to the aristocracy of talent in these pages. We see and salute you. After all, game recognizes game.
Willy Chavarria
You Had to Be THERE • A lover of Paris alights for the first time in Provence—and sees how three artists who painted there transformed modern vision and remade Western art. Call...