As the lifestyle magazine of Kansas, each issue celebrates the best of our state. It’s people, places, and spaces. For over 75 years, we’ve shared the stories of the Sunflower State, told by Kansans. Featured topics include a dynamic line up of culture, food, travel, outdoors, history, personalities, and communities.
the extra details
Murals keep Kansas towns colorful and vibrant.
KANSAS! is turning 80 • A Legacy in the Making
Art Walks • Part art show, part entertainment, part food-fest, and part community gathering—art walks across Kansas lift artists and civic pride
When Art Flows • Tom Egan creates unique, interactive waterworks for museums and learning centers
A TOWN WHERE SAUSAGE GETS ITS DAY • Some of the most eclectic, fun, and community-building festivals can be found in small towns across Kansas
BAROLO GRILLE BRINGS ARTSY ATMOSPHERE ON AND AROUND THE TABLES • This Salina restaurant matches the surrounding spirit of a savvy, fun and revitalized downtown
TEXTILE AS ART • A small museum on the campus of Kansas State University houses a rare and unusual collection of historic clothing and textiles
BIG BOLD and Beautiful • There might be close to 500 murals across Kansas, thanks to artists, civic groups, and funding programs dedicated to transforming walls, silos, grain bins and other public spaces into works of art
Support for Murals
A LUMINOUS DEBUT • The Museum of Art + Light in Manhattan opens to redefine possibilities for a modern galleries
kansas gallery
Art Walks